Ex Parte Rixon - Page 8

                  Appeal No. 2003-0111                                                                                        Page 8                      
                  Application No. 09/602,532                                                                                                              

                  the chamfer ends of the bearings 42 to compress the spring 48, not to a predetermined                                                   
                  force applied to the pedal 12.                                                                                                          

                           For the reasons set forth above all the limitations of claim 4 are not disclosed in                                            
                  Carr.  Accordingly, the decision of the examiner to reject claim 4, and claims 5 to 8                                                   
                  dependent thereon, under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) is reversed.                                                                                

                           To summarize, the decision of the examiner to reject claims 4 to 8 under                                                       
                  35 U.S.C. § 102(b) is reversed.                                                                                                         

                                             IRWIN CHARLES COHEN                                   )                                                      
                                             Administrative Patent Judge                           )                                                      
                                                                                                   ) BOARD OF PATENT                                      
                                             JOHN P. McQUADE                                       )         APPEALS                                      
                                             Administrative Patent Judge                           )             AND                                      
                                                                                                   )  INTERFERENCES                                       
                                             JEFFREY V. NASE                                       )                                                      
                                             Administrative Patent Judge                           )                                                      

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