Ex Parte MINSHULL - Page 6

              Appeal No. 2003-0371                                                                  Page 6                
              Application No. 09/465,941                                                                                  

                     Claim 10 adds to claim 9 the requirement that each holder on the elongate                            
              members overlaps an adjacent holder to provide a staggered holder arrangement.                              
              Such is not disclosed or taught by Woods, however, and therefore we will not sustain                        
              the examiner’s rejection of claim 10.                                                                       
                     Claim 11 also depends from claim 9, and recites that the holders on one of the                       
              spaced apart elongate members are aligned with the corresponding holders on an                              
              adjacent elongate member.  This is disclosed in Woods in Figure 4-6 and 11, and we                          
              will sustain the rejection of claim 11.                                                                     
                     Claim 14 is not a method claim, and does not require that the stringers be                           
              transported, as the appellant implies in his arguments (Brief, page 16).  The claims                        
              states only that the holders and a stringer supported thereby be assembled “for”                            
              transport as a package.  In this regard, the Wood device loaded with stringers can be                       
              transported “as a package,” as is shown in Figure 1, and thus meets the terms of this                       
              claim. Claims 15 and 16 are dependent from claim 14, and the appellant has chosen                           
              not to argue their separate patentability over the applied references.  The rejection of                    
              claims 14-16 is sustained.                                                                                  
                                          The Rejections Under Section 103                                                
                     The test for obviousness is what the combined teachings of the prior art would                       
              have suggested to one of ordinary skill in the art.  See, for example, In re Keller, 642                    
              F.2d 413, 425, 208 USPQ 871, 881 (CCPA 1981).  In establishing a prima facie case of                        

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