Ex Parte MINSHULL - Page 8

              Appeal No. 2003-0371                                                                  Page 8                
              Application No. 09/465,941                                                                                  

              art to modify the Woods device in the manner proposed by the examiner, and it                               
              appears to us that such is found only in the hindsight afforded one who first viewed the                    
              appellant’s disclosure.  We further point out it is not apparent that the Woods system                      
              would function in the manner desired if such a change were made, which would operate                        
              as a disincentive to the artisan to make the proposed modification.                                         
                     Thus, Woods and Carlson fail to establish a prima facie case of obviousness                          
              with regard to the subject matter recited in claim 2, and we will not sustain this rejection.               
                     Claims 5-8 stand rejected as being unpatentable over Woods in view of                                
              Tenebaum.  Claim 5 depends from claim 1 through claims 3 and 4, with claim 3 stating                        
              that the holder recited in claim 1 can be opened to enable the stringer to be positioned                    
              therein and released therefrom, and claim 4 that this is accomplished by means of a                         
              spring clip.  Claim 5 further requires that the spring clip be “clipped to a ring to close the              
              holder.”  The examiner has taken the position that in view of Tenebaum’s showing of                         
              using a strap attached by a spring clip to support a load in a trailer, it would have been                  
              obvious to replace the spring clips disclosed by Woods for holding the stringers in place                   
              with a strap and clip assembly.  The examiner has not, however, stated why it would                         
              have been obvious for one of ordinary skill in the art to make this change to Woods,                        
              and such is not apparent to us.  In the absence of suggestion to combine the                                
              references in the manner proposed by the examiner, we agree with the appellant that                         

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