Ex Parte Hsi et al - Page 4

          Appeal No. 2003-1374                                                        
          Application No. 09/591,947                                                  

                                       PRIOR ART                                      
               In support of his rejection, the examiner relies on the                
          following prior art references:                                             
          Hayes et al. (Hayes)          4,967,745           Nov. 6, 1990              
          Prescott                      5,989,245           Nov. 23, 1999             
                                                  (Filed Mar. 31, 1997)               

               Claims 13, 15 and 19 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as           
          unpatentable over the combined disclosures of Hayes and Prescott.           
               We have carefully reviewed the claims, specification and prior         
          art, including all of the arguments advanced by both the examiner           
          and appellants in support of their respective positions.  This              
          review leads us to conclude that the examiner’s § 103 rejection is          
          well founded.  Accordingly, we will sustain the examiner’s § 103            
          rejection for essentially those reasons expressed in the Answer and         
               The appellants do not dispute the examiner’s finding that              
          Hayes teaches a catheter corresponding to the claimed catheter,             
          except that it employs an array of light sources (optical fibers)           
          and an energizing means associated therewith, rather than the               
          claimed elongated array of semiconductor light sources and                  


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Last modified: November 3, 2007