Ex Parte Hsi et al - Page 5

          Appeal No. 2003-1374                                                        
          Application No. 09/591,947                                                  

          electrical energizing means associated therewith.  Compare the              
          Answer, page 4 and the final Office action dated August 13, 2002,           
          pages 2-3, with the Brief in its entirety.  Nor do the appellants           
          dispute the examiner’s finding that Prescott teaches employing the          
          claimed elongated array of semiconductor light sources and                  
          electrical energizing means in a catheter similar to the one                
          described in Hayes.  Compare the Answer, page 4 and the final               
          Office action dated August 13, 2002, page 3, with the Brief in its          
               The dispositive question is, therefore, whether it would have          
          been obvious to employ the elongated array of semiconductor light           
          sources and electrical energizing means taught in Prescott as the           
          light sources and energizing means of the catheter described in             
          Hayes.  On this record, we answer this question in the affirmative.         
               We note that the appellants do not dispute the examiner’s              
          finding that Prescott teaches that semiconductor light sources are          
          interchangeable with optical fiber light sources for the purpose of         
          delivering energy to targeted tissue in the catheter art.  Compare          
          the Answer, pages 4-5, with the Brief in its entirety.  The                 
          appellants also do not dispute the examiner’s finding that Hayes’           
          optical fiber light sources are used for such purpose.  Compare the         
          Answer, page 4 and the final Office action dated August 13, 2002,           


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