Ex Parte PRALL - Page 3

          Appeal No. 2003-1556                                                        
          Application 09/288,932                                                      

               We reverse the aforementioned rejection.  We need to address           
          only the independent claims, i.e., claims 1 and 6.                          
               The appellant’s claims 1 and 6 both require a removable                
          spacer layer which is over an insulator layer, has an enhanced              
          etching selectivity in relation to the insulator layer, and is              
          adapted to be completely removed when isotropically etched.                 
               The examiner argues, in reliance upon In re Hutchinson,                
          154 F.2d 135, 69 USPQ 138 (CCPA 1946), that “adapted to” does not           
          constitute a limitation in any patentable sense (answer, page 7).           
          In Hutchinson the court did not consider the preamble phrase                
          “adapted for use in the fabrication of a metal template or the              
          like” to “constitute a limitation in any patentable sense”.  See            
          Hutchinson, 154 F.2d at 138, 69 USPQ at 141.  In the present                
          case, in contrast, “adapted to” imposes a capability requirement            
          on the removable spacer, i.e., it must be completely removable              
          when isotropically etched.                                                  
               The examiner argues that the appellant’s “isotropically                
          etched” limitation is a method limitation in a product-by-process           
          claim and, therefore, is given no patentable weight in                      
          determining the patentability of the final device structure                 
          (answer, pages 4-5 and 7).  The appellant’s semiconductor                   

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Last modified: November 3, 2007