Ex Parte JUSTEL et al - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2003-1932                                       Page 2           
          Application No. 09/436,179                                                  

          the separated coated material.  Appealed claim 5 is reproduced              
                    5.  A method of providing a luminescent material with a           
               coating comprising magnesium oxide MgO, said method                    
                    forming an aqueous suspension of the luminescent                  
               material, forming an aqueous solution of a water-soluble               
               magnesium salt, adding the solution of the water-soluble               
               magnesium salt to the suspension of the luminescent                    
               material, the thereby modified suspension having a pH of               
               about 7, increasing the pH of the suspension to about 9.5              
               thereby forming a homogeneous precipitate of magnesium                 
               hydroxide Mg (OH)2 on the luminescent material, separating             
               the resultant magnesium hydroxide coated luminescent                   
               material from the suspension, then calcinating the magnesium           
               hydroxide coated luminescent material.                                 
               The prior art references of record relied upon by the                  
          examiner in rejecting the appealed claims are:                              
          Tamatani et al. (Tamatani)         5,289,081      Feb. 22, 1994             
          Bruno et al. (Bruno)               5,382,452      Jan. 17, 1995             
               Claim 5 stands rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as being              
          unpatentable over Tamatani in view of Bruno.                                
               We refer to the brief and reply brief and to the answer for            
          a complete exposition of the opposing viewpoints expressed by               
          appellants and the examiner concerning the issues before us on              
          this appeal.                                                                

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