HERMAN et al. V. Herman - Page 12

                       the recitations of Claims 24 and 19.                                                                                      
                       Herman IDD (Herman Exhibit 2006):                                                                                         
                       "Skill in the art".                                                                                                       
                       Herman NDI (Herman Exhibit 2012):                                                                                         
                       "Skill in the art".                                                                                                       
                       '679 Patent (Herman Exhibit 2001):                                                                                        
                       Column 10, lines 17-21. (Herman Ex. 2021, page 42).                                                                       
                       C. Discussion                                                                                                             
                       Procedural Matters                                                                                                        
                       Herman's second substitute preliminary motion 1 lacks the necessary cohesiveness                                          
               between facts, evidence and arguments. Judge Lee explained earlier in this proceeding, in a                                       
               paper dismissing Hermans' second submission of its preliminary motion I (entitled substitute                                      
               preliminary motion 1) the importance of explaining how the evidence and facts support an                                          
               argument. A portion of that decision is as follows:                                                                               
                                The argument section, Section D, appears on pages 9-11 of the preliminary                                        
                       motion. Within these pages, there is not a single citation to the evidence in support of the                              
                       arguments made, and also not any explanation as to why such evidence supports the                                         
                       arguments. A proper motion shall contain specific citation to the supporting evidence and                                 
                       an explanation as to how the evidence cited supports the arguments made. A reference to                                   
                       a particular statement of fact is acceptable if that statement of fact is exactly on point and                            
                       in turn contains a specific citation to the underlying evidence. Even then, there still may                               
                       be a need for explanation which ties the cited evidence to the argument made.                                             
                                It is not sufficient for a moving party to simply make arguments. Nor is it                                      
                       sufficient for a moving party to make arguments and then submit a batch of evidence                                       
                       without associating each argument with the evidence in support of that argument. Even                                     
                       when such association is made, an explanation to relate the evidence to the associated                                    
                       argument may still be necessary (Paper 28 at 2).                                                                          
                       Herman was given another opportunity to amend his preliminary motion. The motion we                                       
               have before us, however, suffers from some of the same maladies as those in Herman's substitute                                   


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