HERMAN et al. V. Herman - Page 9

               Baines patent.                                                                                                                    
                        5 1. Particularly, Herman alleges that the following comment made by Baines to Bahoura                                   
               in an e-mail communication is evidence that Baines was not aware of the contents of the                                           

               involved Baines patent:                                                                                                           
                        Could not find the attached file to this E-mail so an earlier version was read. In general,                              
                        your concept of using a beat frequency and beat index of refraction is a fresh way of                                    
                        looking at the problem. This fresh approach brings new insights and should be an                                         
                        interesting way of conceptualizing the process. (Herman Ex. 2010, page 2).                                               
                                           Evidence of conception of Counts 6, 7, 25 and 26                                                      
                        52. Herman testified that he alone conceived of the elements of counts 1-32 (Herman Ex.                                  

               2021, pages 7-48).                                                                                                                
                        53. Herman testified that the elements of count 6 are met by the evidence as follows:                                    
                        The subject matter of claim 6 was provided solely by me, Gregory S. Herman, to Gary                                      
                        Fedorochko, the patent counsel who prepared the patent application for the '679 patent,                                  
                        during the week of January 8-15, 1999, without any participation of, or without any                                      
                        contribution by, Norman P. Bames.                                                                                        
                        Herman IDD (Herman Exhibit 2006):                                                                                        
                        Based upon the disclosure in the Herman IDD on Page 2, paragraph 5, lines 2-4, one of                                    
                        ordinary skill in the art, without any undue experimentation, could ascertain that the first                             
                        and second electromagnetic waves described in the Herman IDD could both be                                               
                        continuous-wave waves. However, Claim 6 depends from Claim 1 and I conceived the                                         
                        novel combination of Claim 6 which includes the recitations of Claim 1.                                                  
                        Herman NDI (Herman Exhibit 2012):                                                                                        
                        Section D: Page 7, paragraph 2. (Hennan Ex. 2021, page 15).                                                              
                        54. Herman testified that the elements of count 7 are met by the evidence as follows:                                    
                        The subject matter of claim 7 was provided solely by me, Gregory S. Herman, to Gary                                      


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