HERMAN et al. V. Herman - Page 2

                involved Herman application), essentially identical to the Barnes patent, naming himself sole                                    
                inventor. Herman believes that he should have been named as the sole inventor in the Barnes                                      
               patent and that Barnes was incorrectly named as an inventor. Herman has filed a preliminary                                       
                motion (Paper 29 - Herman second substitute preliminary motion 1) for judgement against                                          
                Barnes on the ground that the Barnes patent is invalid under 35 U.S.C. § 102(f) for naming the                                   
                incorrect inventors.                                                                                                             
                         After time had expired for filing preliminary motions, Herman sought to file a belated                                  
                preliminary motion. Herman miscellaneous motion 2, seeking leave to file the belated                                             
                preliminary motion was denied by a three judge panel (Paper 64). Herman requested                                                
                reconsideration of that decision (Paper 87).                                                                                     
                         The parties agreed to proceed directly to final hearing on the matters of inventorship and                              
                reconsideration of the interlocutory decision denying Herman miscellaneous motion 2 (Paper 85).                                  
                A final hearing was held on 27 February 2003.                                                                                    
                         During oral argument, after extensive questioning from the panel directed to Herman's                                   
                miscellaneous motion 2, Herman withdrew that motion. Accordingly, Herman's request for                                           
                reconsideration of the interlocutory decision denying Herman miscellaneous motion 2 is                                           
                dismissed as moot.                                                                                                               
                         Herman second substitute preliminary motion 1 is dismissed, or alternatively denied.                                    
                Judgment is entered against Herman.                                                                                              
                         B. Findings of fact                                                                                                     
                         The following findings of fact, as well as those contained elsewhere in this opinion are                                
                supported by a preponderance of the evidence.                                                                                    


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