HERMAN et al. V. Herman - Page 7

               a co-inventor on the NDL then Herman would not receive funding for his invention (Herman                                          
              2003, T 14-15).                                                                                                                    
                       37. Herman testified that he added Bames to the NDI, in order to get funding for his                                      
              invention (Id., 117).                                                                                                              
                       38. Herman testified that he believed that the invention would ultimately be marketed by                                  
              SAIC, and that he would receive 25% of the net revenue generated by the invention (Id., 119).                                      
                       39. Accordingly, Herman completed an invention disclosure for SAIC (SID), apparently                                      
              the same as the NDI (Id., 12 1).                                                                                                   
                       40. The NDI and SID were apparently forwarded to patent counsel who drafted a patent                                      
              application based on the NDI and SID.                                                                                              
                       41. Herman testified that he worked with SAIC outside counsel Gary Fedorochko to draft                                    
              the application that matured into the Bames patent (Her-man Ex. 2005, ý 16).                                                       
                      42. After the patent application was filed, Herman made Fedorochko aware of his                                            
              position that Bames should not be named as an inventor (Herman Ex. 2005, T 21).                                                    
                      43. According to Herman, Fedorochko told him to speak with Michael Lachuk, SAIC's                                          
              senior patent counsel about his concerns of inventorship (Id.).                                                                    
                      44. Sometime before or after the alleged conversation with Mr. Fedorochko, but after the                                   
              filing of the application, Herman and Bames executed a joint declaration for patent application                                    
              on I March 1999.                                                                                                                   
                      45. Thejoint declaration states that:                                                                                      
                               We believe we are the original, first and joint inventors of the subject matter                                   
                      which is claimed and for which a patent is sought on the invention entitled METHOD                                         
                      AND APPARATUS FOR PROVIDING A COHERENT TERAHERTZ SOURCE ....                                                               


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