Ex Parte EILTS - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2000-2134                                                        
          Application No. 08/868,663                                                  

          reconsidered, but we still find that the originally filed                   
          disclosure has written description support for a multiple of                
          40 milliseconds, and not a “multiple of 10 milliseconds.”                   
          Appellant can not rely on the Golden patent to provide written              
          description support for the now claimed delay (request, page 2).            
               With respect to claim 28, we can not find any discernible              
          error in our decision based upon appellant’s comments (request,             
          pages 2 and 3) concerning this claim.  The referenced portion of            
          the specification does not provide written description support              
          for the subject matter set forth in this claim.                             
               Turning to claim 29, appellant argues (request, page 3) that           
          “delay circuits to provide a delay are well known in the art and            
          are continually demonstrated in the prior art as well as in                 
          patent applications by blocks rather than specific circuits as is           
          well known to anyone with even a small modicum of knowledge in              
          the art.”  As indicated in our decision, neither the prior art              
          discussed in the brief nor the skill in the art can take the                
          place of a demonstration by the appellant that he was in                    
          possession of the now claimed subject matter on the filing date             
          of the subject application.                                                 


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