Ex Parte EILTS - Page 4

          Appeal No. 2000-2134                                                        
          Application No. 08/868,663                                                  

               With respect to the anticipation rejection of claims 21                
          through 29 based upon the teachings of the Golden patent,                   
          appellant argues (request, page 5) that the final rejection                 
          (paper number 10) only listed claims 21, 27 and 29 as being                 
          rejected based upon the teachings of this reference.  The                   
          examiner subsequently included claims 22 through 26 and 28 in               
          this rejection based upon admissions by appellant that claims               
          21 through 29 were copied from Golden (answer, page 11).  In view           
          of the lack of surprise to appellant based upon the examiner’s              
          action, and appellant’s reaffirmation of the act of copying                 
          claims 21 through 29 from Golden (reply brief, page 3), we hereby           
          decline to change our decision to affirm the anticipation                   
          rejection of claims 21 through 29 based upon the teachings of               
               Appellant’s arguments (request, page 6) concerning the                 
          shortcomings in the teachings of Dudek, Albrow and Barnes in the            
          anticipation rejections of claims 21, 27 and 29 are untimely, and           
          should have been presented in the briefs.                                   
               Appellant’s request has been granted to the extent that our            
          decision has been reconsidered, but such request is denied with             
          respect to making any modifications to the decision.                        


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Last modified: November 3, 2007