Ex Parte EILTS - Page 3

          Appeal No. 2000-2134                                                        
          Application No. 08/868,663                                                  

               Turning next to the prior art rejections, appellant argues             
          (request, page 3) that “[t]he twice rejected decision of the                
          administrative patent judge in this case is the final rejection             
          and not the Examiner’s Answer.”  Appellant also argues (request,            
          page 4) that the examiner never made a showing that the rejected            
          claims are readable on the cited references.  If appellant                  
          considered the examiner’s final rejection of claims 21, 27 and 29           
          to be premature, then appellant should have protested such an               
          action via a petition to the Director under 37 CFR § 1.181, and             
          not an appeal to the Board under 37 CFR § 1.191.  With respect to           
          appellant’s argument that the examiner did not present a prima              
          facie showing of anticipation of the noted claims, we find that             
          the examiner presented such a case in the examiner’s answer                 
          (answer, pages 5 through 11).  The reply brief failed to rebut              
          the points made by the examiner in the answer.  Thus, we see no             
          need to modify our decision or to remand to the examiner as                 
          requested by the appellant (request, pages 4 and 5).                        
               Appellant’s argument (request, page 5) concerning                      
          declarations supposedly made on the record by Messrs. Eilts and             
          Goldman is not timely since it was not argued in the briefs.                
          Even if they were of record, we do not see the relevance of such            
          declarations to an anticipation rejection.                                  


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Last modified: November 3, 2007