Ex Parte CARLONI et al - Page 4

          Appeal No. 2001-1601                                                        
          Application No. 08/404,406                                                  

          that Freeburg discloses antenna elements pointing in different              
          azimuthal directions, and (Answer, page 5) asserts that "[t]he              
          antenna array elements A-F of Freeburg inherently includes an               
          omnidirectional elevation direction coordinated with the                    
          plurality of azimuthal directions, which is inherent in the                 
          antenna technology."  The examiner, however, fails to provide any           
          evidence of inherency, despite appellants' argument (Brief, page            
          8) that Freeburg's antenna beams do not point in both plural                
          azimuthal and plural elevational directions.  In In re Lee, 277             
          F.2d 1338, 1342-43, 61 USPQ2d 1430, 1433 (Fed. Cir. 2002), the              
          court held that a factual inquiry whether to modify a reference             
          must be based on objective evidence of record, not merely                   
          conclusionary statements of the examiner.  The same applies to              
          inherency.  Conclusionary statements of the examiner as to                  
          inherency are insufficient; factual evidence of inherency is                
          required, and such evidence is lacking in the present case.                 
               The examiner asserts (Answer, page 5) that "Freeburg fails             
          to teach that the array of antenna elements A-F can focus the               
          beams by narrowing the beam widths in the elevation plane                   
          (pointing in a plurality of elevation directions)."  The examiner           
          relies upon Harbin's teaching that an array of antennas can                 
          achieve more gain by focusing the beam widths in the elevation              

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Last modified: November 3, 2007