Ex Parte FALACE et al - Page 9

            Appeal No.  2002-1185                                                                      
            Application No.  09/112,242                                                                

                  Turning now to the rejection of claim 7, as well as claim 14                         
            which is grouped with claim 7, Appellants assert that the                                  
            specific positional relationship of the takeup reel and the                                
            read/write head with respect to the edges of the tape transport                            
            apparatus are not shown (brief, pages 7 & 8).  We note that                                
            although the Examiner refers to a “backside of the tape drive”                             
            and paths linearly extending along and parallel to the backside,                           
            the Examiner points to no teachings in Leonhardt, nor do we find                           
            any disclosure, that would read on the recited proximity to the                            
            edges of the width and depth dimensions.  Accordingly, because                             
            the Examiner has failed to establish a prima facie case of                                 
            anticipation, the 35 U.S.C. § 102 rejection of independent claims                          
            7 and 14 and claims 10 and 15, which depend therefrom, cannot be                           
                  With respect to claim 24, Appellants argue that Figure 5 of                          
            Leonhardt shows the tape path “in unloaded position ..., as shown                          
            by elements 423 and 426" which are not substantially parallel to                           
            a first tape path linearly extending along a backside of the                               
            cartridge (brief, page 9).  The Examiner responds (answer, page                            
            6) by pointing out that the tape does extend along the backside,                           
            which is “the side opposite where the cartridge is open for tape                           

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