Ex Parte DYKES et al - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2002-2137                                                        
          Application No. 08/772,738                                                  

               at least one Central Processing Unit (CPU);                            
               a memory coupled to said CPU;                                          
               a disconnect mechanism, said disconnect mechanism residing             
          in said memory and being executed by said CPU, said disconnect              
          mechanism being used by said software application to facilitate a           
          request for input from one of said plurality of web browsers such           
          that said software application need not wait for said input.                
               The prior art references of record relied upon by the                  
          examiner in rejecting the appealed claims are:                              
          Ishida (Hideaki)1                  JP 5-324526    Dec. 07, 1993             
          Preston Gralla, "How Intranets Work," Ziff-Davis Press,                     
          California (November 1996), pp. xi-xiii, 32-37.  (Gralla)                   
               Claims 39 through 72 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as           
          being unpatentable over Hideaki in view of Gralla.                          
               Reference is made to the Examiner's Answer (Paper No. 33,              
          mailed April 19, 2003) for the examiner's complete reasoning in             
          support of the rejections, and to appellants' Brief (Paper                  
          No. 31, filed January 30, 2002) and Reply Brief (Paper No. 34,              
          filed June 24, 2002) for the appellants' arguments thereagainst.            

               We have carefully considered the claims, the applied prior             
          art references, and the respective positions articulated by                 

               1 We note that both the examiner and appellants refer to this reference
          as Hideaki.  Accordingly, we too will refer to it as Hideaki.               

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Last modified: November 3, 2007