Ex Parte DYKES et al - Page 4

          Appeal No. 2002-2137                                                        
          Application No. 08/772,738                                                  

          disconnects without waiting for the processing result.  Thus,               
          appellants assert that Hideaki fails to teach or suggest                    
          1) a software application requesting input from a client and then           
          2) disconnecting itself from the client such that 3) it need not            
          wait for the requested input.  Appellants further point out                 
          (Brief, pages 4-5) that the examiner did not point to anything in           
          Gralla that would cure this deficiency.                                     
               We agree with appellants.  Although we agree with the                  
          examiner that Hideaki discloses clients, a server, and a                    
          disconnect mechanism, we disagree that the disconnect mechanism             
          is disclosed as facilitating a request for input from the clients           
          such that the software application need not wait for input from             
          the clients.  Hideaki explicitly discloses (translation, pages 1-           
          2) that the client device sends a request to the server, and                
          cutting off the connection between the client and the server such           
          that the client does not have to wait for the processing result.            
          This is the opposite of what is claimed.  The claimed invention             
          has the software application requesting input from the web                  
          browser and a disconnect mechanism such that the software                   
          application need not wait for the requested input from the web              
          browser.  Accordingly, as the examiner has failed to establish a            
          prima facie case of obviousness, we cannot sustain the rejection            


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