Ex Parte JARDIN et al - Page 3

          Appeal No. 2004-0587                                                        
          Application 09/054,304                                                      

          operating system to hand-off the current client/broker session to           
          the server 430.  At block 516, the broker 420 modifies its                  
          destination address 252 of the IP header 200 shown in figure 2 by           
          writing the destination address of the server 430 in the                    
          destination address field 252.  See page 11 of Appellants’                  
          specification.  At block 524, the broker 420 transmits to the               
          server 430 a packet.  Since the client 410 already has                      
          established a link with the broker 420, no link is needed to be             
          established between the client 410 and the server 430.  The                 
          client 410 transmits packets to server 430 through the broker               
          420.  At block 532, the broker 420 generates a pseudo                       
          acknowledgment packet to the client 410.  The pseudo                        
          acknowledgment is generated after the broker 420 receives a                 
          acknowledgment packet from the server 430.  The pseudo                      
          acknowledgment packet from the server 430 is transparent to the             
          client 410 and hence, does not disrupt the link already                     
          established between the client 410 and broker 420.  See page 12             
          of Appellants’ specification.  At block 534, for all data packets           
          received from the client 410, the broker 420 modifies the                   
          destination address shown in figure 2 by writing the destination            
          address of the server 430 in the destination field 252.  At block           

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