Ex Parte JARDIN et al - Page 4

          Appeal No. 2004-0587                                                        
          Application 09/054,304                                                      

          536, the broker transmits to the server 430 all the packets                 
          received from the client 410.  The process terminates upon                  
          delivery of all packets to server 430 at block 550.  Figure 6 is            
          a flowchart describing the decisional steps executed by the                 
          server 430.  At the beginning at block 602, the server 430                  
          cooperates with the broker 420 to respond to client command                 
          requests.  At block 624, the server 430 receives from the broker            
          420 the packet in a handshake session.  Hence, the broker 420 and           
          the server 430 may exchange several packets until the server 430            
          and the broker 420 are in the same application state at block               
          628.  See page 13 of Appellants’ specification.  At block 640,              
          the server 430 receives data packets from the broker to execute             
          command requests of the client 410.  At block 644, in response to           
          the command requests, the server 430 generates and prepares                 
          outgoing packets for transmission to the client 410.  By writing            
          the source address of the broker 420 in place of the source                 
          address, the server 430 causes the client  410 to believe that              
          the information is being sent by the broker 420.  Finally, at               
          block 648, the server 430 transmits packets having the                      


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