Ex Parte JARDIN et al - Page 14

          Appeal No. 2004-0587                                                        
          Application 09/054,304                                                      

          claims bear a “heavy presumption” that they mean what they say              
          and have the ordinary meaning that would be attributed to those             
          words by persons skilled in the relevant art.”  Tex Digital Sys,            
          Inc. v. Telegenix, Inc., 308 F.3d 1193, 1202, 64 USPQ2d 1812,               
          1817 (Fed. Cir. 2002).                                                      
               We can not agree with the Examiner’s interpretation of this            
          claim language.  The plain meaning of the terms would lead those            
          skilled in the art to conclude that the claim is setting forth a            
          one-way direct data transmission from the second server to the              
          client without normal handshaking protocols.  We note that this             
          is consistent with Appellants’ specification.  See pages 13 and             
          14 of Appellants’ specification.                                            
               Turning to the references, we note that the Examiner has not           
          provided any evidence of a finding of a one-way communication               
          between the second server to the client without the normal                  
          handshaking protocols.  Upon our careful review of each of the              
          references we fail to find this limitation as well.                         


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