Ex Parte DEATON - Page 28

          Appeal No. 2004-0786                                                        
          Application No. 08/935,116                                Page 28           

          to the current shopping visit in order to allow effective present           
          time marketing by offering shoppers instantaneous promotional               
          offers while actively shopping.”                                            
               Appellants do not challenge the combinability of Tai with              
          claims 18 and 26 of U.S. Patent No. 5,201,010, but rather assert            
          (brief, pages 40 and 41) that Tai does not make up for the                  
          deficiencies of claims 18 and 26 of the '010 patent because Tai             
          relates to prospective customers and has nothing to do with a               
          customer's prior shopping history.  It is argued (id. and supp.             
          reply brief, page 6) that contrary to the examiner's assertions,            
          Tai does not teach or suggest providing a response at the point             
          of sale related to the individual customer's transaction data in            
          shopping visits prior to the current shopping visit, upon                   
          detection of a unique identification code of the individual                 
          customer.  At the outset, we make reference to our findings,                
          supra, with respect to Tai.  Although we agree with the examiner            
          that Tai's revision of the mailing list in response to a                    
          customer's prior transaction (using a coupon that was mailed to             
          the customer) we find that there is no teaching or suggestion in            
          Tai of the response occurring at the point of sale.  Accordingly,           
          we find that the teachings of Tai in view of claims 18 and 26 of            
          U.S. Patent No. 5,201,010 is insufficient to establish a prima              

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