Ex Parte Porter et al - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2004-1058                                                        
          Application 09/584,053                                                      

          § 1.193(b)(2)(ii), the appellants filed a supplemental brief                
          (Paper No. 18) and requested that the appeal be reinstated.  In             
          response, the examiner entered an answer (Paper No. 19), noted a            
          reply brief (Paper No. 20) filed by the appellants and forwarded            
          the application to this Board for review of the current                     
          rejections of claims 12 through 18, 20 and 22 through 29.                   

                                   THE INVENTION                                      

               The invention relates to “pet grooming . . . methods for               
          removing loose hair from a furry pet such as a dog or cat”                  
          (specification, page 1).  Representative claim 12 reads as                  

               12.  A method of removing loose hair from a furry pet such             
          as a dog or cat having loose hair and non-loose hair, the method            
               providing a grooming tool having an elongate handle portion            
          extending generally along a handle axis, and a pet engageable               
          portion secured to the handle portion, the pet engageable portion           
          including a blade portion and a plurality of teeth, the blade               
          portion including a blade edge, the teeth extending from the                
          blade edge;                                                                 
               placing the pet engageable portion in engagement with the              


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Last modified: November 3, 2007