Ex Parte JAPP et al - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2004-1073                                                        
          Application No. 09/046,105                                                  

          and wherein the oxide or salt is present in an amount of about              
          0.1 to 2% by weight of the fiberglass cloth; and wherein the                
          oxide or salt is incorporated in a glass composition selected               
          from the group consisting of D glass, S glass and E glass.                  
               The examiner relies upon the following references as                   
          evidence of obviousness:                                                    
          Loughridge                      3,531,677           Sep. 29, 1970           
          Miyauchi et al. (Miyauchi)      5,942,331           Aug. 24, 1999           
          Shioura et al. (JP ‘552)        Sho 63-225552       Sep. 20, 1988           
          (Japanese patent)                                                           
          Naka et al. (JP ‘633)           03-261633           Nov. 21, 1991           
          (Japanese patent)                                                           
               Appellants' claimed invention is directed to a woven                   
          fiberglass cloth comprising a glass composition having an oxide             
          or salt of copper or chromium therein.  The compounds of copper             
          and chromium allow the glass to absorb UV light and be used in              
          substrates for printed circuit boards and the like.  According to           
          appellants, "[t]he present invention provides for significantly             
          reducing, if not entirely eliminating, UV light transmission                
          through a reinforced substrate" (page 4 of Brief, second                    
               All the appealed claims stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103           
          as being unpatentable over either JP ‘552 or JP ‘633 in                     
          combination with Loughridge and Miyauchi.                                   


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