Ex Parte JAPP et al - Page 3

          Appeal No. 2004-1073                                                        
          Application No. 09/046,105                                                  

               We have thoroughly reviewed the respective positions                   
          advanced by appellants and the examiner.  In so doing, we find              
          ourselves in agreement with appellants that the examiner has                
          failed to establish a prima facie case of obviousness for the               
          claimed subject matter.  Accordingly, we will not sustain the               
          examiner's rejections.                                                      
               JP ‘552 and JP ‘633, like appellants, are directed to an               
          ultraviolet-absorbing glass fiber composition, but both                     
          references fail to teach or suggest the use of either of the                
          claimed copper or chromium compounds as UV-absorbing agents in              
          the glass composition.  As emphasized by appellants, both                   
          references teach very specific combinations of compounds in                 
          specific amounts to provide the function of UV absorption.  In              
          particular, JP ‘633 discloses a glass fiber composition                     
          comprising Fe2O3, CeO2 and TiO2.  JP ‘552 teaches a UV-absorbing            
          glass composition comprising the same three components in                   
          addition to MnO2 and As2O5.                                                 
               To remedy the deficiencies in the primary references the               
          examiner cites Loughridge and Miyauchi for teaching the                     
          equivalence of the claimed chromium and copper oxides and the               
          disclosed oxides of iron, cerium, titanium, cobalt, manganese and           
          nickel as UV absorbing agents.  However, Loughridge is directed             


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