Ex Parte Gulick - Page 9

          Appeal No. 2004-1596                                                         
          Application No. 09/544,858                                                   

          claims.  The claimed term “to ignore the first signal” in view of            
          the disclosed embodiments, as depicted in Figures 6 and 7, is not            
          clearly disclosed since the figures do not clearly define the                
          relationship between the first and the second signal, nor                    
          identify which two signals they particularly refer to.  Although             
          Appellant attempts to relate the claimed language to the                     
          disclosure and figures 6 and 7 in the “Summary of the Invention”             
          section (brief, pages 3-6), there is no description of the                   
          signals that correspond to those decoded by the first and the                
          second devices or ignored by the second device.                              
               As explained above, the disclosure lacks an enabling                    
          description of the signals decoded by the first and the second               
          protocol and how it is determined that the second protocol is                
          used by a second device wherein the second device is adapted to              
          ignore the first signal.  Thus, claims 1-4, 6-25, 27-46 and 48-63            
          are rejected under the first paragraph of 35 U.S.C. § 112, for               
          the reasons explained.                                                       
               In addition to reversing the Examiner’s decision rejecting              
          the claims, this decision contains a new ground of rejection                 
          pursuant to 37 CFR § 41.50(b) (effective September 13, 2004, 69              
          Fed. Reg. 49960 (August 12, 2004), 1286 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 21             
          (September 7, 2004)).  37 CFR § 41.50(b) provides "[a] new ground            

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