Ex Parte Hoffman et al - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2004-2234                                                        
          Application No. 09/881,361                                                  

          provide the head with a desired weight” (specification, page 1).            
          Representative claim 1 reads as follows:                                    
               1. A golf club comprising:                                             
               a head having a heel end, a toe end, and a ball-striking               
          face, wherein the heel end includes a hosel that defines a                  
          generally cylindrical cavity;                                               
               a hosel plug sized to fit into a lower end of the hosel                
          cavity; and                                                                 
               a shaft having a lower end sized to fit into, and be                   
          secured to, the hosel cavity, at a location above the hosel plug;           
               wherein the hosel plug comprises a mixture of a metallic               
          powder and a compliant polymeric material, in prescribed relative           
          proportions, and wherein the hosel plug is sized to fit snugly              
          into the lower end of the hosel cavity, where it is secured in              
          place by compression of its compliant polymeric material.                   
                                   THE PRIOR ART                                      
               The references relied on by the examiner to support the                
          final rejection are:                                                        
          Kochevar                         4,220,336       Sep.  2, 1980              
          Yoneyama                         4,667,963       May  26, 1987              
          Sasamoto et al. (Sasamoto)       5,348,302       Sep. 20, 1994              
          Bingman                          5,452,890       Sep. 26, 1995              
          Allen                            5,888,148       Mar. 30, 1999              
          Shimazaki,                        9-248355       Sep. 22, 1997              
          Japanese Patent Document                                                    
          Tarlow et al., (Tarlow)        WO 00/62873       Oct. 26, 2000              
          International Patent Document                                               
                                   THE REJECTIONS                                     
               Claims 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 17 and 18 stand rejected              
          under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as being unpatentable over Shimazaki in            
          view of Kochevar and Tarlow.                                                


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