Ex Parte Hoffman et al - Page 8

          Appeal No. 2004-2234                                                        
          Application No. 09/881,361                                                  

               As indicated above, independent claims 1, 8 and 16 require             
          the hosel plug to comprise a compliant polymeric material and to            
          be sized to fit snugly into the hosel cavity where it is secured            
          in place by compression of the compliant polymeric material.                
          Whether read on its face or in light of the underlying                      
          specification,3 this limitation calls for the hosel plug to be              
          secured in place by virtue of its compliant polymeric material              
          being in a state of compression.  Kochevar contains no suggestion           
          that the capsule 11 disclosed therein is secured in this manner.            
          To the contrary, Kochevar teaches that the capsule, by virtue of            
          its permanently deformable putty-like polyisobutylene weight mass           
          13, is secured by a mechanical interlock and/or by adhesion.                
          Thus, even if Shimazaki’s weight 11 were replaced with Kochevar’s           
          capsule 11 of polyisobutylene and a metal powder, the result                
          still would not meet the foregoing claim limitations.                       
               The examiner’s additional reliance on Tarlow in this regard            
          is not well founded.  Although the Tarlow insert is secured in              
          place by a friction fit which is apparently produced by                     
          compression of its flexible polymeric material, the only                    

               3 The appellants’ specification states that “[i]n the plug’s           
          installed position, the compliant polymeric material is slightly            
          compressed, to secure the plug in place by an interference fit”             
          (page 7).                                                                   

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