CORREA et al. V. ROBERTS et al. - Page 40

                      ad together by silica. calcium carbon- ýtatfgth 7 in.) Jewish HisI. 1. Also called Great Sanhedrin. Ulf, suprewý                                               
                                                                                        lefislative Aesiasucal and secUlat'                                                          
                      ate Iron oxide, and clay. council and highest ea.                                                                                                              
                      1111lad-StOrM (sand/stdrat/ . . t greatest authority from                                                                                                      
                     - storm, esp. in a desert. thabnlýz. eatlýlouds of Sand. tr bomai of t a Je a. exe 9                             al                                             
                      ýalkdt traP/, (on A 901f eourasý he ow it Partly the 5th Main                                                              drim                                
                         ad with sand and If ad to ser*w a hazardp hdirs. a low tri un                                                                                               
                                                      -1 (saothi drim, n-). [ a it synMrion - syn                                                                                    
                      8 us. wa*u + hga) seat -ion -ium]                                                                                                                              
                           0 E . 32, 7 (1970).' sink u I , a a er of the an"                                                                                                         
                                ver / a, any of several low. mostly ýtradhng San-l-C e 01). 11. In cine.                                                                             
                          be of the e us Abronia, of the western 1)-ý- having Sunicuta, as 3dnimi(a). S -CLB]                                                                        
                          wy, rben a flowers. ME < XF at k, an, scrOUS                                    c ad fro                                                                   
                          d/ /per, 1. holpt," snake- 2- Sao horned Sa-ul-es(sS1n6.Ez/).n. Pathol. 0 etc. [< L:                                                                       
                                                                                         fluid that                                                                                  
                       viper. blrdll mi r) -a& ni us, ad).                                                                                                                           
                      sand-Wich MOd1w1,h_, saulý), n. 1. two or more slims 0 Ban de-f -S ( 'in 61/ a I nt a town in central                                                          
                       broad or the le with a layer of meat, fish, cheo'e, etc" bo' Spain, near Segovia: ISt entur alact. 3245 ý1960).                                               
                       %woRn them. 2. something that resembles or suggests a san-i-tar-1-an (Matf tfirftj an), adi 1. sanitary; whole                                                
                       sandwich. -v.1. 3. to put into a sandwich. 4. to insert 2. a specialist in Public sýtdiution and health.                                                      
                                                                                        San-i-tar-i-131M (San/, tjrtjý am), n. pi -tari-ums, -tar.ia                                 
                       between two other things. [named after the fourth Earl Of wine. -n.                                                                                           
                       Sandwich (1718-92)] ;ýmoiioa of health; health                                                  the P,                                                        
                      Sand-Wich (vand/wi n 1, a town in 9 Kent, in BE (-t1r/e a). an inStitutiOu for                                 health + -AR'11113                              
                       England; one of the C'Vitte, Pons. 4234 l1961). resort. Also, sanatorium. [< 1, sanit(da)                                                                     
                      sand/WiCh board/ two connected signboards that hung -- Syn.. Sea hospital.                                                                                     
                                                                                        san-i-tar-y (ain't ter/U), ad). 1. of or pertaining to health                                
                       from the shoulders in Imt of and behind a person I esp with reference W                                                                                       
                       sandtWICh coin/i a coin having 3 layer Of 4;ne metal or the conditions affecting healt):           di;ýaaa, etc. 2. favorable to                              
                        between layers of another, us a quarter with a layer of copper cleanliness. precautions against                                                              
                                                                                          health; free from dirt, bacteria, etc' 3- Promothali c[essul                               
                      e between layers of silver ness. C< L Sanif(dS) health + -ARY] adv.                                                                                            
                       ReAdlWiCh Istlands, former name of Hawaii- _-Syn_ 1, 2. clean, Unpolluted, antiseptic. SANITARY,                                                              
                       andtWICh Man/, a 'Ran who carries a sandwich board, HyaneNic agree in being eacamed with healthý SANITKWT                                                     
                        usually for advertisin sometimes for picketing. refers more esp. to conditions affecting health or measures for                                              
                       of /), n. any of "Vera, polychaetes guarding against infection or disteaffe: to Insure sanitary condi                                                         
                         Lad-Worul (sand1WVr;1 H[yGgNc is applied to whatevercon                                                                                                     
                        ftt livo in mud. Rons in preparin d. '[y Rod the promotion Of health- to live                                                                                
                       liand-WOrt (Mnd/wftrt/), n. any ceryophyllaceous Plant carns the care oNweboý                                                                                 
        I of the %enus Arenaria, many Of which grow in sandy Wil. in hygimic surroundings with plenty of fresh air. 2. salutary.                                                     
                       sand-y (autildg), adj., assid-l-er, sustR14-68t. :I. of the sanitary belt/v a barrow, belt. usually Of elastic, for                                           
                       .,Rature of or consisting of Mud. 2. containing or covered holdifug a sanitary napkin in place.                                                               
                        with Mud. a. of & yellowish-red color: sandy hair. IMB; See cordon saultair6.saintitary corldon. Bnginecring                                                             
                        OR 3andi Santitar5r engineerting, a branch of civil I                                                                                                        
                        sandly Low, a peninsula In E New Jersey, at the dealing with inatterts affecting public health, so water supply                                              
                        entrance to New York Bay: lighthouse. (I mi. long. or sewage disposal. -Suaniary engivoerf - rbywomeD                                                        
                        Sane (sin), adl., assi-er sm.ast. 1. having a sound, healthy santitary nawkin, nabsorhentpadforwea                                                           
                         mind, 2. having or al=in riessuff, sound judgment, or . durin memItmation to absorb the uterine [low.                                                       
                                                      ft L sdn( t Stglau), r. the development and                                                                                    
                       -good sense. 3. sound; heathy. [< us) healthy) man-l- a-tion (sau/i ti                                                                                        
                        1-sanefly, adv. owaintres; for the sake of                                                                                                                   
                                                        n. in the U. practical application Of sanitary + -ATLON3                                                                     
                        SAM legal, n. a private nationwide organization cleardiness, ProtectiEl, health, IfM COANIT(ARY) hefly Br,(ý                                                 
                        testablished in 1957. that 0 POWS DUCIO" testing and advo- Sall-1-tise (Rarti I!, ), vJ., -tised, -tin-ing. C                                                
                         cases international Peace. Watimal Ommittee for a) Sane sanitize. _aoa/i.ti.gattian, n.                                                                     
                        'Wuclear Poificyg) san-1-tiz(b (sentl tiz/). v.I., -tized, tix.jus. to free from                                                                             
                        I o Win fetiniintdO), a city in E Argentina, dirt, germs, etc.. as by cleaning or sterilizing. [SAXIT(Au .Y)                                                 
                         Dear Buenas Aires. 119.565. + -Izzj -oanli-ti-zattion, a.                                                                                                   
                        Ban-ford isan/fard), n. Mousitt a mountain in BE Alaska- San-12.. (Muff tz), n. . the state of being sane; soundueSS                                         
                        1 16.208 ft. hial normality. 2. SIDUladuces Of judgment' [ME               , me                                                                              
                        .8ail-for-fted (Motto rldl), ad). Traderfark. (of fabric) of ndn                                                                                             
                                                                                           sanife < a) lig-) a river in E Texas.                                                     
                          noting or undergoing a Process for mechanical sMukWg San Ja-cirt-to (a=/ Ja dialti, I d f t d Mexicans                                                     
                        b before tailoring. in W Call- r1o BE to Galveston Bay: Texans a as a                                                                                        
                         Ban (sau/ fron sialkr)), a seaport UnI, mouth of thie river 1836.                                                                               
                                                                                                                  w8 kEtnf) I a river ih CaUtorma. flow                              
        in 40mla, on Son Francisco Bay: earthquake and tin ISM. San Joa.quin (Mal                                                                                                    
                           15,671 (1970 Frmýisteý. Ing NW from the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the Sacra                                                                              
                         Want Frangs/Co Bayl, a hga in W California: the mento River. 350 mi. long.                                                                                  
                                                                                                Jo-Se (san/ 110 W), a city 1, W California. 445,779                                  
         P bArbor of San Francisco- COWWC with the Pacific by the San                                                                                                                
         Oi 'Golden Gate strait. 50 j;J. long; 3-12 nil. wide. (1970). In and the capital Of COsto                                                                                   
        he RaAf FranCiSfeo POIRKS1, a mountain mass in N Arl- Jo.,84§ (San/ hosel), a cit                                                                                            
                          Zen&: highest point In the "ate, HU111gisrey's Peak,.12.611 SRS'leff, in the central part. 228.30                                                          
                                                                                                  Jo-se/ SCaIW, asmeinsettAspidiorusiverniciosus.                                    
                          4 It, Also called Sant Franclat" Mae- We- Sant                                                      treco and shruba. [Ramed                               
         B. mang (aafrg) v pt, of sing. that is highly destructive to Nit                                                                                                            
         us laltt Ga-bk4l (sun gVIIN5 all, a city in SW California, after SAN josE, where first found]                                                                               
                         .4tar Los Angeles. 29,336 (1970). San Juan Mal want beUlfý Sp. 8511 Wila"), 1. a Ma                                                                         
                          RRU-Jea.10 (sXQ g91118), n, 1. An-to-nio lalcýni do Pon in Red t2so capital Oi PuertO'IýAcO. in the N Part. 51S.700                                        
        'a- 1%26brk, Wage dU) (Antonia Cordiani), 1484?-1546, 2 a city in W Argentina. 224,004).                                                                                     
         as k2liall tect and engineer. 2. his oncle, Giu.lio-eo do S jý& Juan de Is CrQZ (SP. sXn hwitt de IS kilOOt-4p).                                                         
                         "im lyVnd III), (Giuliano Giamberti), 1445-1516, Italian See John of the Cross.                                                                             
         10- Vd-litect sculptor and engineer. Sant Juant 11113 a bill I, BE Cuba, near Santiago de                Vancouver Island, CalAd                                            
                          Ift Geii-net-ro '(sin/ I - I& battle during the Spanish                                                           sq. OIL                                  
        ýV- jan UVRO), Italian name at Cuba: captured by S. forces in                       W ýhingtou and BE                                                                        
         far Anuarius. Also. Son Gen-vai-O 0611 elly8)- American Way in 189S.                                          duality      24,415                                           
                                                                leader. of bi=                              ý, ty and                                                                
         or 118 , 1=1 I I U Part Ofealalf-er (MQlar). m Mar aret Big-gIs Sant Junnf IS/lands, a group of islands between NW      last. 1963);                                                 
                               -1966, U.S. ratissei a-                                                                                                                               
                           ,RuVement. W.shl gton, in SW                                                      1.115,342                                                               
                           %Z9-frold<Fr.s5Nfn,,t),n, ýinemofminu;ýý!ý-i Sant Juan, MopirittainS, a mountain elsove                                                                   
                                        < F: cold-bloodedinetal -Syn. solf-POMM1013111, Colorado Rod N New Mexico: - -.- _- -- - 7Lu lexico.                                       Moun                              
                          ý'corhpoffqurlnfnilty; self-control. tains. Ifighest peak, Uncompahgre Peak, 140ra it.San                                                                                      
        'is: Atelo -tar-dO (sUnl g6t tdzildo), ItallatI name of St. sank (s;Ak). V. 0, Pt- of sink.(Me                                                                                             
                           .(lattbr& San-khya (W 1kya). n. a.sYstem, of Hindu Philosophy(MR                                    bl;ýa                                                                                                  
        ia 11), n. Grail. Also. San-gre-al (Rangl- aS ft spirit and matter. Also,                                                                                                    
                           341119raft].                               sangr(e)                                                                                                       
                           r&, 41). [prob. < rp Saint GTRall Samkh3,&.--[< Slit s4inkhya rackoning. number]                                                                          
                                                          in color                                                                 a city in W Cawnruba                              
        fish Ift-gre do Cris-1:0 (sallp-6 da, kris'W), a MOURtalu San Le-an-dro (MR/ 16 auldr-o),                                                                                    
                            ixageinSColoradoafadN OwMeximtaPartof the Rocky 68,698 (1970).                                                                                           
                            Maintains Hi hest (Ma lWis a bislp'6). a city in Wbloodlike                                                                                                                            
                                                      Blanca. Peak. 14,390 ft-ced drink. -Sail LU-18 0-bis-Po                                                                        
                           .W azv g,6yeak an idrink                                                                                                                                      
         071- a; Sp. slifig gR91U), n. CalRomia, 28.036 (1970). a state in[< sp:                                                                                                                                            
        ýscd Y of red wine th _11M been diluted, sweetened and in ro-to-91 (sun Iw;F1 P8/th W). . the                                                                                
        ot/. If central IV.                                                                                                                                                          
        rts) JUNatfixt) + in n suffix] capital of this-state. 180,881 (est. 1965).                                 mAr un                                                            
                                              jý /go nfirtU. 1. the bloodroot    J< NE San Ka-iti-no (san/ ma, Wnii. It Ran/ VA Rpui)),San ar-tin                                                                               
           La -tan ufnaria conadensis, 2. its medicinal rhizome,      W shed blood. 3.       small republic in E Italy: the oldest independent country in                            
           to C) sanguindria bloody (herb). See "NOMINXav)Iz ig 621- 39 sq nIL Cap.: Ban Marina.2. ready or eager                                                                                                                 
                               ,91u-nar-y ("fiRtgwa nor/9), ad). 1. full of or charac- Earn 9. SP a,/ taxia asit), Jý.6                                                              
                            lftt=b bloodshed.                                                                                                                                        
        ,PJ, tft. of or , ked with blood. (< L sanguindri(us) do (h8 M1778-1850, Suisih American general Red                                                                         
        ,iitb -oOd 3 ýoafgul.nafr/Wy, adV. if. statesman, boro. in Argentina. a city In W California.                                                                                
                                                                                                                    ma tx/43                                                         
        ,it], y I adj. 1. cheerful, hopeful, or con- San Na-te-0 (sant                                                                                                               
        11511- _Utulu = swin                                                                                                                                                         
                                   2. red ra y: a sanguine complexion. S. kin 0 inin alone                                                                                           
                            TWO, d1re, Uri,* Rob, 9qual; if, ice; not, over, orav,; W. If he front cover.          the full key insi a t                                             
                                Oar; oin; *ftat.* 0 as SI nifasiars; a as in yatan (butran). fire (fiar). get                                                                        

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