Ex Parte FUJISAWA - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2004-0636                                                        
          Application No. 09/045,041                                                  

               Appellant's invention relates to a method of carrying out              
          simulation of a circuit.  The method simplifies simulation by               
          checking for partial circuits exhibiting equivalent operational             
          characteristics and compressing such operationally equivalent               
          partial circuits into one partial circuit.  Claim 9 is                      
          illustrative of the claimed invention, and it reads as follows:             
               9.   A method of carrying out simulation of a circuit,                 
               inputting data comprising configurations for a plurality of            
          partial circuits, and connectional relationships for input and              
          output terminals of the partial circuits;                                   
               extracting, from the circuit to be simulated, the plurality            
          of partial circuits to inspect for equivalent operational                   
               inspecting the plurality of partial circuits to detect                 
          partial circuits exhibiting equivalent operational                          
          characteristics, based on the configurations of the plurality of            
          partial circuits, and judging equivalence when the configurations           
          of said plurality of partial circuits are mutually consistent;              
               compressing the circuit by integrating the partial circuits            
          exhibiting equivalent operational characteristics into one                  
          circuit and simulating the compressed circuit.                              
               The prior art reference of record relied upon by the                   
          examiner in rejecting the appealed claims is:                               
          Chakrabarti et al., "An Improved Hierarchical Test Generation               
          Technique for Combinational Circuits with Repetitive Sub-                   
          circuits," IEEE Proc Fourth Test Symp. 237-243 (1995)                       


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Last modified: November 3, 2007