Ex Parte Matthews Brown - Page 3

          Appeal No. 2005-0296                                                        
          Application No. 09/802,097                                                  

          I. Preliminary matters                                                      
               On page 2 in the reply brief, the appellant questions                  
          whether the examiner (1) held an appeal conference in accordance            
          with USPTO practice and (2) entered the amendment filed                     
          concurrently with the main brief proposing changes to claims 9,             
          18 and 22.  The record shows that the examiner has done both.               
          II. The 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) rejection of claims 1 through 3, 5               
          through 9, 11, 12, 15 through 17 and 22 as being unpatentable               
          over Matthews in view of O’Neill                                            
               Matthews discloses a multi-functional baby device 10                   
          comprising a resilient support cushion 12 (e.g., a polyester                
          fiber fill with a cotton cover) composed of a back section 14 and           
          two side sections 16 and 18 which collectively form a recess 30             
          for supportably receiving a baby, a mat 40 connected to the                 
          support cushion, and a series of straps 50, 50', 50'' positioned            
          on the support cushion back section for removably securing toys             
          52, 54, 56 to the device.  Matthews teaches that the positioning            
          of the straps preferably is such that the toys are accessible               
          when a baby is in a prone position, but not when the baby is in a           
          supine position (see the Abstract; column 1, lines 60 through 63;           
          and column 4, lines 10 through 65).                                         
               It is not disputed that Matthews teaches, or would have                
          suggested, a play kit and method meeting all of the limitations             
          in independent claims 1, 9 and 22 except for those relating to              

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