Ex Parte Matthews Brown - Page 4

          Appeal No. 2005-0296                                                        
          Application No. 09/802,097                                                  

          the bar and toys.  As indicated above, claim 1 recites a kit                
          comprising at least one bar positionable over and coupled to the            
          pillow by an attachment mechanism such that when a child lies on            
          the pillow body and the mat in a face-up orientation the child’s            
          head is firmly supported by the pillow body while permitting                
          access to any toys suspended from the bar.  Claim 9 recites a kit           
          comprising at least one bar positionable such that when a child             
          lies on the pillow and the mat in a face-up orientation the                 
          child’s head is firmly supported by the pillow body while                   
          permitting access to any toys suspended from the bar.  Claim 22             
          recites a method comprising the step of placing a child on the              
          pillow in a supine position with the child’s head resting on the            
          medial region of the pillow and looking upward and the child’s              
          torso resting on the mat whereby the child can grasp and play               
          with a toy coupled to the bar and suspended over the pillow.  To            
          account for these differences, the examiner turns to O’Neill.               
               O’Neill discloses an infant accommodation apparatus 2                  
          comprising a support device 4 composed of an annular, C-shape or            
          U-shape foam or inflatable member removably disposed within a               
          zippered fabric cover 12, a padded base part or mat 14, a                   
          framework 6 composed of tubular struts or bars 26 extending over            
          the support device, elastic loops 16 on the cover for                       
          frictionally engaging the lower ends of the struts, and a                   
          plurality of toys 34 suspended from the struts.  According to               

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