Ex Parte Matthews Brown - Page 8

          Appeal No. 2005-0296                                                        
          Application No. 09/802,097                                                  

          III. The 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) rejection of claims 10 and 18 through           
          21 as being unpatentable over Matthews in view of O’Neill and               
          further in view of Clute                                                    
               The appellant does not dispute the examiner’s application of           
          Clute for its disclosure of a cover having a zipper as recited in           
          claim 10 or a fastener as recited in claim 18.2  Instead, the               
          appellant contends that the rejection is unsound because the                
          combined teachings of Matthews, O’Neill and Clute would not have            
          suggested a kit meeting the “permitting access” limitations in              
          claim 9, from which claim 10 depends, or the corresponding                  
          “permitting access” limitations in independent claim 18, from               
          which claims 19 through 21 depend.  For the reasons discussed               
          above, such argument is not persuasive.                                     
               Accordingly, we shall sustain the standing 35 U.S.C.                   
          § 103(a) rejection of claims 10 and 18 through 21 as being                  
          unpatentable over Matthews in view of O’Neill and further in view           
          of Clute.                                                                   
               The decision of the examiner to reject claims 1 through 3, 5           
          through 12 and 15 through 22 is affirmed.                                   

          2 The examiner’s application of Clute for this reason is somewhat           
          superfluous given O’Neill’s disclosure of a zippered cover.                 

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