Ex Parte Cecchi et al - Page 3

              Appeal No. 2005-0827                                                                                         
              Application No. 09/903,239                                                                                   

              Jul. 29, 2004) and the Reply Brief (filed Dec. 3, 2004) for appellants’ position with                        
              respect to the claims which stand rejected.                                                                  

                     We cannot sustain the rejection applied against claims 1 through 10, essentially                      
              for the reasons expressed by appellants in the briefs.                                                       
                     The rejection relies on Sasaki for the teaching that when a transistor is on, it is                   
              “functionally equivalent” to a resistor.  Sasaki describes, in column 1, a prior art                         
              microwave switch containing FET’s that are modeled as capacitors when off and as                             
              resistors when on.  The objective teaching of Sasaki, however, shows no more than that                       
              the operation of FET’s in the circuit of the prior art microwave switch (Fig. 4(a)) is                       
              equivalent to the respective passive devices.  The teaching is not in the context of, for                    
              example, a general electronics text that might tend to show that the artisan would have                      
              recognized the alleged equivalence as it relates to the instant claimed subject matter.                      
                     Even assuming that functional equivalence is shown by Sasaki, the rejection                           
              appears to recognize that a showing of equivalence is not sufficient to demonstrate a                        
              suggestion in the prior art for replacing certain transistors of Zhang with resistors, such                  
              that the requirements of (broadest) claim 1 are met.  The rejection relies on an                             
              additional reference2 (Stockstad, U.S. 6,429,685) for showing that a resistor is                             

                     2 Cf. In re Hoch, 428 F.2d 1341, 1342 n.3, 166 USPQ 406, 407 n.3 (CCPA 1970) (“Where a                
              reference is relied on to support a rejection, whether or not in a ‘minor capacity,’ there would appear to be

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