Ex Parte Mitra - Page 9

                 Appeal No. 2005-2533                                                                                  
                 Application No. 09/976,559                                                                            

                        While we find the examiner’s reasoning intuitive, we do not find any                           
                 evidence in Cockrum that dopant layer 30 diffuses into the passivation layer 18.                      
                 Claim 41 contains the limitation “a doped region extending through the                                
                 passivation layer into the radiation absorption layer.”  We consider this limitation                  
                 to include a doped region in both the passivation layer and the radiation                             
                 absorption layer.  Figure 4G and the accompanying description in column 6 of                          
                 Cockrum teach that doped layer, layer 30, is diffused into region 14, extending                       
                 into the absorption layer 12.  However, neither the figures nor the description                       
                 identify that the doped region extends through the passivation layer 18.  Although                    
                 the hypothesis, that since the doped region 30 of figure 4F is diffused into                          
                 absorption layer 12, this doped region would also diffuse into the abutting layer                     
                 18 seems logical, we find no evidence in Cockrum that support the hypothesis.                         
                 Accordingly, we will not sustain the examiner’s rejection of claim 41 and                             
                 dependent claims 42 and 44 through 46 under 35 U.S.C. § 102.                                          
                         THE REJECTION UNDER 35 U.S.C. § 103 RELYING UPON COCKRUM                                      
                                               IN VIEW OF ROSBECK                                                      
                        The examiner has rejected claims 1, 2, 4, 5, 14, 15 and 17 through 19                          
                 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over Cockrum in view of Rosbeck.                          
                        Appellant’s arguments group independent claim 1, with dependent claims                         
                 2, 4 and 5 on page 10 of the brief.  Appellant argues on page 10 of the brief:                        
                        As noted above with regard to claim 28, Cockrum does not show or                               
                 suggest, “forming a patterned doping layer above the passivation layer”….  It                         
                 does not show or suggest “forming a patterned doping layer” at all.                                   


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