POWELL et al. V. Branstrom et al. - Page 3

     1    cc (via Electronic mail; First Class mail to Department of                  
     2    Justice):                                                                   
     34   Attorney for Branstrom                                                      
     5    (real party in interest                                                     
     6    United States of America                                                    
     7    as represented by the                                                       
     8    Secretary of the Army):                                                     
    10         George A. Metzenthin, Esq.                                             
    11         Maurice U. Cahn, Esq.                                                  
    12         CAHN & SAMUELS, LLP                                                    
    13         2000 P Street, N.W., Suite 200                                         
    14         Washington, D.C.  20036                                                
    16         Tel:      202-331-8777 (Main)                                          
    17         Fax:      202-331-383                                                  
    18         Email:    george.metzenthin@cahnandsamuels.com                         
    19         Email:    maurice.cahn@cahnandsamuels.com                              
    21         Office of the Staff Judge Advocate                                     
    22         U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command                        
    23         ATTN:  MCMR-JA (Ms. Elizabeth Arwine)                                  
    24         504 Scott Street                                                       
    25         Fort Detrick, MD  21702-5012                                           
    27    Attorney for Powell                                                         
    28    (real party in interest                                                     
    29    University of Maryland;                                                     
    30    Maryland Biotechnology Institute--licensor;                                 
    31    MicroScience Ltd. field limited                                             
    32    exclusive licensee):                                                        
    34         Gordon Kit, Esq.                                                       
    35         Mark L. Hayman, Esq.                                                   
    36         SUGHRUE MION, PLLC                                                     
    37         2100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 800                              
    38         Washington, D.C. 20037-3202                                            
    40         Tel:      202-293-7060 (Main)                                          
    41         Tel:      202-663-7945 (Direct--Kit                                    
    42         Tel:      202-663-7908 (Direct--Hayman)                                
    43         Fax:      202-293-7860                                                 
    44         Email:    gkit@sughrue.com                                             
    45         Email:    mhayman@sughrue.com                                          

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Last modified: November 3, 2007