POWELL et al. V. Branstrom et al. - Page 4

     1    Attorney for the United States [28 CFR § 0.45(f)]:                          
     23        Hon. John Fargo, Acting Director                                       
     4         Commercial Litigation                                                  
     5         Civil Division                                                         
     6         U.S. Department of Justice                                             
     7         Washington, D.C.  20530                                                
     89        Office physical location:                                              
    10         1100 L Street, N.W.                                                    
    11         Room 11116                                                             
    12         Washington, D.C. 20530                                                 
    14         Tel:  202-514-7223                                                     
    15         Fax:  202-307-0345                                                     

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