Ex Parte Fried - Page 8

                Appeal No. 2005-1674                                                                                                       
                Application 09/613,153                                                                                                     

                There is a three-step process for applying the recapture rule:                                                             
                        The first step is to determine whether and in what aspect the reissue                                              
                        claims are broader than the patent claims.  The second step is to determine                                        
                        whether the broader aspects of the reissued claim related to surrendered                                           
                        subject matter.  Finally, the court must determine whether the reissued                                            
                        claims were materially narrowed in other respects to avoid the recapture                                           
                Kim, slip op. 13 (quoting Pannu, 258 F.3d at 1371, 59 USPQ at 1600, omitting internal quotation                            
                marks and citations).                                                                                                      
                        The first step is clearly satisfied.  The reissue claims do not recite a price/sales ratio or a                    
                price/earnings ratio and therefore are broader in that respect than the independent patent claims,                         
                which recite "at least one of [a] price/sales ratio and a price/earnings ratio."                                           
                        Turning now to the second step, "[a] patentee can surrender subject matter either through                          
                arguments or amendments made during the prosecution of the original patent."  Kim, slip op.                                
                at 14 (citing Hester Indus., Inc. v. Stein, Inc., 142 F.3d 1472, 1480-81, 46 USPQ2d 1641, 1648                             
                (Fed. Cir. 1998)).   The examiner bases the alleged surrender on arguments rather than an                                  
                amendment.6  Specifically, he argues that appellant surrendered subject matter claims having the                           
                scope of the reissue claims when arguing, during prosecution of the claims in the original patent,                         
                        6   The only amendment of the independent claims made by appellant during prosecution                              
                of the original patent was to insert "ratio" after the second and third occurrences of                                     
                "price/earnings," which amendment appellant accurately characterized at the time as                                        
                "correct[ing] minor informalities."  Amendment received July 23, 1999, at 5.  In an examiner's                             
                amendment dated September 13, 1999, the examiner amended the preamble of claim 19 from "A                                  
                computer program product for generating a buyback investment report comprising:" to "A                                     
                computer readable medium containing instructions or controlling a data processing system for                               
                generating a buyback investment report comprising:."   In the patent, however, "or" was printed                            
                (Continued on next page.)                                                                                                  

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