Ex Parte Fried - Page 12

                Appeal No. 2005-1674                                                                                                       
                Application 09/613,153                                                                                                     

                least one of price/sales ratio and a price/earnings ratio for each stock" as an attempt to                                 
                distinguish the claims from Kiron based on the "at least one of [a] price/sales ratio and a                                
                price/earnings ratio" limitation and as a surrender of the right to have claims which are not so                           
                limited.  Appellant's mere quotation of claim language which includes the limitation in question                           
                falls well short of the type of argument held to constitute a surrender in Hester, 142 F.3d at 1482,                       
                46 USPQ2d at 1649:                                                                                                         
                        Williams repeatedly argued that the "solely with steam" and "two sources                                           
                        of steam" limitations distinguished the original claims from the prior art.                                        
                        These were Williams' primary bases for distinguishing the broadest claim,                                          
                        independent claim 1, from the prior art.  At no less than 27 places in six                                         
                        papers submitted to the Patent Office, Williams asserted that the "solely                                          
                        with steam" limitation distinguished the claimed invention from the prior                                          
                        art, and Williams did the same with respect to the "two sources of steam"                                          
                        limitation at no less than 15 places in at least five  papers.                                                     
                                Williams argued that each of these limitations was "critical" with                                         
                        regard to patentability, and Williams further stated that the "solely with                                         
                        steam" limitation was "very material" in this regard.  In essence, these                                           
                        repeated arguments constitute an admission by Williams that these                                                  
                        limitations were  necessary to overcome the prior art.  Indeed, when the                                           
                        Board reversed the Examiner's rejection of the original claims, these were                                         
                        the primary bases indicated for patentability.  Williams, through his                                              
                        admission effected by way of  his repeated prosecution arguments,                                                  
                        surrendered claim scope that does not include these limitations.                                                   
                        The rejection for reissue recapture is accordingly reversed with respect to all of the                             
                rejected claims.                                                                                                           

                                WILLIAM F. PATE, III            )                                                                          
                                Administrative Patent Judge     )                                                                          

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