Ex Parte Tuman et al - Page 9

          Appeal No. 2005-1988                                                         
          Application No. 09/822,651                                                   

          agree with the examiner’s position on this issue.                            
               On page 3 of the reply brief, appellants argue that Thomas              
          does not specifically teach that the polymeric materials are                 
          fused at the substrate but rather teaches that only the bases of             
          the loops or hooks are “deposited” on the substrate.  We are not             
          convinced by this argument in view of the aforementioned                     
          disclosure of appellants’ specification as compared with the                 
          disclosure of Thomas.                                                        
               Appellants do not provide an explanation as to how the                  
          pressure discussed on pages 5 through 8 of their specification               
          differs from the pressure used in Thomas such that fusing does               
          not occur in Thomas.                                                         
               In view of the above, we affirm the 35 U.S.C. § 102(b)                  
          rejection of claims 21-31, 33-35, 37, 39, 40, 42-48, 50-53 and 55            
          as being anticipated by Thomas.                                              

          II. The rejection of claims 21-26, 28-31, 33, 39, 40, 42-48, 50-             
               53, and 55 as being anticipated by Wessels                              
               On page 10 of the brief, appellants argue that claims 21,               
          40, and 48 each recite “a plurality of discrete polymeric regions            
          fused to a first major side of the web”.  Appellants also argue              
          (again) that the claims recite “a plurality of stems extending               
          from each discrete polymeric region of the plurality of polymeric            
               Appellants argue that, in contrast, Wessels discloses a                 

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