Ex Parte Donohoe et al - Page 10

          Appeal No. 2005-2239                                                             
          Application No. 10/448,905                                                       

          REJECTIONS UNDER 35 U.S.C. § 103                                                 
                Claims 1, 2, 9, 10, 13, 14, 21, 22, 29, 30, 33, 35, 37, and                
          38 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) over the combined                     
          teachings of Halman and Blalock.7  We affirm.                                    
                The Examiner has determined that Halman discloses a method                 
          for plasma etching wherein a mixture of reacting gases                           
          containing, inter alia, CHF3 and CH2F2 can be used.  The Examiner                
          has cited the Blalock reference as evidence that the use of CHF3                 
          and CH2F2 together in plasma etching was known by those of                       
          ordinary skill in the art.                                                       
                Appellants argue that the combination of Halman and Blalock                
          would not produce a gas plasma that is devoid of carbon monoxide                 
          gas.  (Brief, pp. 14-15).  This argument is not persuasive for                   
          the reasons discussed above in the Section 102 rejections.  That                 
          is, Appellants have not directed us to any evidence to show that                 
          gases identified in the cited references necessarily include                     
          carbon monoxide gas.  Thus, Appellants have not demonstrated                     

                7For this ground of rejection, Appellants have presented                   
          separate arguments for claims 1 and 35.  The discussion of claim                 
          21 on page 16 of the principal Brief is the same as the arguments                
          presented for claim 1.  Thus, for this ground of rejection we                    
          will limit our discussion to claims 1 and 35.                                    

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