Ex Parte Carlsson et al - Page 3

              Appeal No. 2005-2584                                                                                     
              Application No. 09/897,331                                                                               
                                                Rejections at Issue                                                    
                     Claims 1 through 20 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable                    
              over Aarnio in view of Haeggstrom.  The examiner’s rejection is set forth on pages 4                     
              through 7 of the answer.                                                                                 
                     We have carefully considered the subject matter on appeal, the rejection                          
              advanced by the examiner and the evidence of obviousness relied upon by the                              
              examiner as support for the rejection.  We have, likewise, reviewed and taken into                       
              consideration, in reaching our decision, the appellants’ arguments set forth in the briefs,              
              along with the examiner’s rationale in support of the rejection and arguments in rebuttal                
              set forth in the examiner’s answer.  With full consideration being given to the subject                  
              matter on appeal, the examiner’s rejection and the arguments of appellants and                           
              examiner, for the reasons stated infra, we will not sustain the examiner’s rejection of                  
              claims 1 through 20.                                                                                     
                     Appellants argue on pages 6 through 9 of the brief, that there is no motivation to                
              combine the references as asserted by the examiner. On pages 9 through 15 of the                         
              brief, appellants argue that even if the references were properly combined, Haeggstrom                   
              does not teach a location server as required by the claims.  Finally on pages 15 through                 
              19 of the brief appellants argue, with respect to claim 1, the combination of the                        
              references do not teach the method steps in the order claimed.  Appellants argue, on                     
              pages 17 and 18 of the brief:                                                                            


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