Ex Parte Peter et al - Page 9

          Appeal No. 2006-0440                                                        
          Application No. 10/291,933                                                  

          uniform distribution of the coating, thus arriving at a method              
          encompassed by appealed claim 1.  In re Vaeck, 947 F.2d 488,                
          493, 20 USPQ2d 1438, 1442 (Fed. Cir. 1991)(citing In re Dow                 
          Chemical Co., 837 F.2d 469, 473, 5 USPQ2d 1529, 1531 (Fed. Cir.             
               The appellants argue that “[n]othing in Zimmer et al.                  
          discloses or suggests the coating of a substrate with a reactive            
          polymeric reaction mixture” and that “[n]othing in Grimm et al.             
          discloses or suggests the use of a multichannel applicator for              
          applying a polymeric reaction mixture in the method described               
          therein.”  (Substitute appeal brief at 3-4.)  The examiner                  
          correctly found these arguments unpersuasive.  While Zimmer does            
          not expressly disclose the use of the disclosed multichannel                
          applicator for applying a polymeric reaction mixture on a                   
          substrate, the reference suggests the suitability of the                    
          applicator for applying any flowable material (which would be               
          inclusive of Grimm’s polyurethane reaction mixture) onto a                  
          substrate.  Also, while Grimm does not disclose a multichannel              
          applicator, the teachings of Zimmer provide the requisite                   
          motivation, suggestion, or teaching for one of ordinary skill in            
          the art to modify Grimm’s method.  In re Keller, 642 F.2d 413,              
          426, 208 USPQ 871, 882 (CCPA 1981)(“[O]ne cannot show non-                  


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