Ex Parte Perego et al - Page 4

               Appeal No. 2006-0545                                                                          Page 4                  
               Application No. 10/019,273                                                                                            

               Rather than reiterate the conflicting viewpoints advanced by the Examiner and                                         
               the Appellants regarding the above-noted rejections, we make reference to the Answer                                  
               (mailed October 19, 2005) for the Examiner's reasoning in support of the rejections, and                              
               to the Brief (filed August 8, 2005) and the Reply Brief (filed November 8, 2005) for the                              
               Appellants= arguments there against.                                                                                  
                       We reverse the ' 112 rejections.  We reverse the ' 103 rejection of claim 13.                                 
               We affirm the ' 103 rejection of claims 1-12, 14, and 17-20.  Our reasons follow.                                     
               Rejection under  ' 112, first paragraph                                                                               
                       The Examiner has rejected claims 17-20 as unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. § 112,                                 
               first paragraph, as containing subject matter which was not described in the                                          
               specification in such a way as to reasonably convey to one skilled in the relevant art that                           
               the inventors, at the time the application was filed, had possession of the claimed                                   
               invention.  We reverse.                                                                                               
               With regard to written descriptive support, all that is required is that Appellants'                                  
               specification reasonably convey to one of ordinary skill in the art that as of the filing date                        
               of the application, appellants were in possession of the presently claimed invention; how                             
               the specification accomplishes this is not material.  See In re Kaslow, 707 F.2d 1366,                                

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