Ex Parte Perego et al - Page 11

               Appeal No. 2006-0545                                                                        Page 11                   
               Application No. 10/019,273                                                                                            

                       Appellants assert that claims 3 and 4 are separately patentable because the data                              
               have been shown specifically with ZSM-12 zeolite.  (Brief, p. 8).  Appellants assert that                             
               claim 14 is separately patentable because actual data has been shown with the                                         
               particular molar ratio of this claim. (Brief, p. 9).  We do not agree.  Leyshon discloses a                           
               process of cracking an olefinic feedstock in the presence of a catalyst containing                                    
               ZSM-12 zeolite.  A person of ordinary skill in the art would have recognized the                                      
               ZSM-12 catalyst having a silica/alumina ratio of 100 is suitable for such a process from                              
               the teachings of Rosinski.  The rejection of claims 3-4 and 14 is affirmed.                                           
                       Appellants’ arguments regarding claims 17-19 (Brief, p. 9) are not persuasive.                                
               The maintenance of catalytic activity as specified in the claims is a property of the                                 
               particular catalyst.  A person of ordinary skill in the art would have recognized that a                              
               ZSM-12 catalyst having a silica/alumina ratio of 100 is suitable for the process of                                   
               Leyshon from the teachings of Rosinski.  Thus, the rejection of claims 17-19 is affirmed.                             
                       Appellants assert that claim 20 is separately patentable, since the applied prior                             
               art neither discloses nor suggests preparing a zeolite having a molar ratio of                                        
               silica/alumina less than 200 by the particular steps recited therein.  Appellants’                                    
               arguments are not persuasive for the reasons presented above and in the Answer.                                       
               Contrary to Appellants’ arguments, Rosinski discloses a ZSM-12 that can have a                                        
               silica/alumina ratio of 100.  The Examiner recognized that Rosinski does not disclose                                 

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