Ex Parte Key et al - Page 2

             Appeal No. 2006-0617                                                                                  
             Application 10/209,887                                                                                

             § 103 based on Nemoto in view of Hann (2,296,316). See pages 2-4 of the examiner’s                    
             answer. As a result of the foregoing actions, only the rejection of claims 1 through 3 and 6          
             through 8 under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as being anticipated by Wardell (1,836,348) remains for            
             our review on appeal. There are no remaining rejections of dependent claims 4 and 5, thus,            
             the appeal as to those claims is dismissed.                                                           
             As can be seen from Figure 1 of the application drawings, and as clearly set forth in the             
             specification and claims, appellants’ invention is directed to a seat frame (23) for an               
             automotive seat, having a top rail (30), and having a headrest-mounting-tube (28) secured             
             to the top rail. The headrest-mounting-tube (28) has an open top end for receiving a                  
             headrest post (24, 29) mounted to a headrest (20). The open top end of the headrest-                  
             mounting-tube also includes a keyway-pocket (37) that cooperates with a key (32) on the               
             sleeve portion (24) of the headrest post to ensure proper alignment and orientation of the            
             headrest post with regard to the headrest-mounting-tube (28) and the seat frame (23).                 
             Independent claims 1 and 2 are representative of the subject matter on appeal and a copy              
             of those claims can be found in the Appendix attached to appellants’ brief.                           
             As noted above, the sole prior art reference of record relied upon by the examiner in                 
             rejecting the appealed claims is:                                                                     
             F. Wardell   1,836,348    Dec. 15, 1931                                                               
             Rather than attempt to reiterate the examiner's commentary with respect to the                        
             remaining § 102 rejection and the conflicting viewpoints advanced by appellants and the               
             examiner regarding that rejection, we make reference to page 4 of the final rejection (mailed         
             November 25, 2003) and the examiner's answer (mailed June 22, 2005) for the reasoning in              


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Last modified: November 3, 2007