Ex Parte 5253341 et al - Page 35

               Reexamination Control No. 90/005,742                                                                                   
               Patent 5,253,341                                                                                                       

          1    received by RS 400 from the interactive network 10 (Filepp, col. 5, ll. 40-44) "carry application                      
          2    programs and information for display at monitor screen 414 of RS 400."  Id. at col. 5, ll. 56-57.                      
          3            For the foregoing reasons, we agree with the examiner that the only language of claim 9                        
          4    that is not satisfied by Filepp is "wherein said remote host utilizes a RISC based processor and a                     
          5    UNIX based operating system."                                                                                          
          6            Claims 10, 11, and 14 differ from claim 9 by replacing its ultimate “wherein” clause with                      
          7    the following “wherein” clauses, which do not read on Filepp:                                                          
          8            (a)  Claim 10 -- "wherein said remote host utilizes a CISC based processor and a UNIX                          
          9    based operating system."                                                                                               
         10            (b)  Claim 11 -- "said compressed response is compressed utilizing at least two                                
         11    compression techniques."                                                                                               
         12            (c)  Claim 14 -- "wherein said remote server resides on a compatible network in which                          
         13    CISC and RISC based processors operating with a UNIX based operating system communicate                                
         14    in a windowing environment."                                                                                           
         15            As noted above, the term "processor" in the phrases "RISC based processor" and "CISC                           
         16    based processor" encompasses but is not restricted to a microprocessor.                                                
         22            (3)  Claims 9-11 and 14 -- obvious over Filepp in view of well known practices?                                
         24                    (a)  The evidence of "well known practices"                                                            

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