Ex Parte 5253341 et al - Page 41

               Reexamination Control No. 90/005,742                                                                                   
               Patent 5,253,341                                                                                                       

          1    Rozmanith’s, would need significant I/O capability,” id., is unconvincing because it concerns the                      
          2    obviousness of using a RISC-or CISC-microprocessor server to handle AV data of the type                                
          3    disclosed in the ‘341 patent rather than to handle information of the type handled by Filepp’s file                    
          4    server.  The same criticism applies to Dr. Koopman’s remaining arguments at pages 4-15,                                
          5    paragraphs 8-33.  Dr. Koopman has therefore failed to give us any convincing reason why the                            
          6    trend towards using UNIX servers having RISC or CISC microprocessors would been                                        
          7    considered to be inapplicable to Filepp’s interactive computer network, including file server 205.                     
          9            For the foregoing reasons, we are affirming the rejection of claims 9, 10, and 14 for                          
         10    obviousness over Filepp in view of “well known practices” as evidenced by        The Electronics                       
         11    Engineers' Handbook and the twenty-nine Gale articles.                                                                 
         12                    (c)  The rejection of claim 11 (two compression techniques42)                                          
         13            Of the five references apparently cited as disclosing the use of two video compression                         
         14    techniques (i.e., De Maine, Carr, Giltner, Notenboom, and LeGall), one (namely, Giltner) is                            
         15    specifically relied on in combination with Filepp in a separate rejection of claim 11, 3d Action at                    
         16    83, para. 18; Final Action at 241, para. 18, and therefore will be addressed in our discussion of                      
         17    that rejection.  As for the remaining four references, the examiner's statement of the rejection                       
         18    based on Filepp in view of "well known practices" fails to identify the specific reference                             

                       42   Claim 11 does not include UNIX, RISC, or CISC limitations.                                                
                                                            - 41 -                                                                    

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