Ex Parte 5253341 et al - Page 38

               Reexamination Control No. 90/005,742                                                                                   
               Patent 5,253,341                                                                                                       

          1    (Fed. Cir. 1983) (fact that teachings relied upon to show obviousness were repeated in a number                        
          2    of references strengthened conclusion of obviousness).  That is clearly the situation before us,                       
          3    although the examiner could have made the same point with fewer Gale articles.  That is, rather                        
          4    than being cited for the details of the RISC, CISC, and UNIX servers and workstations discussed                        
          5    therein, the Gale articles are cited collectively to show that such servers and workstation were                       
          6    known in the art and in fact commercially available prior to the filing date of appellant’s ‘341                       
          7    patent.  Dr. Koopman's chief criticism of the Gale articles, which is that they contain too little                     
          8    information to be enabling, see, e.g., 2d Koopman Decl. at 26, para. 52 ("A reference that has no                      
          9    pertinent technical content is not meaningful prior art."), fails to consider the Gale articles in this                
         10    light.  Also, his testimony fails to take into account the high level of skill in the art that is                      
         11    implied by the brevity of the discussion in the ‘341 patent regarding the use of a UNIX-based                          
         12    server employing a RISC or CISC processor:                                                                             
         13            The server 11 will typically include special purpose, high speed processing and                                
         14            large capacity multi-distributed storage capability.  The server 11 will typically be                          
         15            more powerful than the EUS 10, can preferably be UNIX based, and should                                        
         16            utilize a CISC or RISC based processor which is capable of utilizing compression                               
         17            software such as fractal-transform technology, manufactured and marketed by                                    
         18            Iterated Systems, Inc. of Norcross, Ga., and which can be enhanced by co-                                      
         19            processors.  In addition, the host processor should be able to operate in a                                    
         20            windowing environment.  Other compression/decompression packages such as                                       
         21            JPEG and DFF (Differential Image Storing) may also be utilized by the                                          
         22            host/server 11 of the present invention.                                                                       
         24    '341 patent, col. 4, ll. 13-26 (emphasis added).  The ‘341 patent thus presumes that a person                          
         25    having ordinary skill in the art of interactive computer networks, without the exercise of undue                       
         26    experimentation, would have been able to select or design a UNIX-based server which has a                              
         27    RISC or CISC processor and is capable of (1) performing one or more of the above-specified                             
                                                            - 38 -                                                                    

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