Ex Parte 5253341 et al - Page 56

               Reexamination Control No. 90/005,742                                                                                   
               Patent 5,253,341                                                                                                       

          1    O.   The scope and meaning of claims 93-99                                                                             
          2            Claim 93, on which claims 94-99 depend directly or indirectly, reads:                                          
          3                    93.  A method for downloading responsive data from a remote                                            
          4            server comprising the following steps:                                                                         
          5                    (a)  identifying a query via a data input means and inputting said                                     
          6            query to remote query and data retrieval means;                                                                
          7                    (b)  transmitting said query from said remote query and data                                           
          8            retrieval means to a remote server via an input/output means;                                                  
          9                    (c)  receiving a compressed or non-compressed response to said                                         
         10            query at said remote query and data retrieval means from said remote                                           
         11            server via said input/output means;                                                                            
         12                    (d) displaying a presentation corresponding to said compressed or                                      
         13            non-compressed response on output means;                                                                       
         14                    (e) wherein said displaying step commences before said step of                                         
         15            receiving said compressed or non-compressed response has been                                                  
         16            completed.                                                                                                     
         18            Step (e) precludes downloading and storing the entire response at the user location                            
         19    (which contains the recited input/output means and remote query and data retrieval means) prior                        
         20    to commencing display of the corresponding presentation.                                                               
         21    P.  The merits of the § 112 rejection of claims 94 and 97                                                              
         22            Dependent claims 94 and 97 stand rejected under § 112, first paragraph, as based on a                          
         23    non-enabling disclosure.  These claims specify (1) that the response represents an image (claim                        
         24    94) or an animation sequence (recited in claim 96, on which claim 97 depends) and (2) that the                         
         25    server generates the response by using differential compression "following receipt of said query"                      
         26    from the user location (claims 94 and 97).47                                                                           
                       47  More particularly, claim 94 specifies that "said compressed or non-compressed                              
               response comprises an image that is differentially compressed following receipt of said query."                        
               Claim 97 specifies that "said animation sequence [recited in claim 96] is differentially                               
               compressed following receipt of said query."                                                                           
                                                            - 56 -                                                                    

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